I love going for walks in the park. Whether I’m flushed with ideas and want to
let them percolate in my head, or I’m bone dry and can’t seem to get a single
thought to hit me, I find going for a walk always helps. Something about keeping
moving and watching the world stroll by always seems to get the juices flowing
at just the right pace.
But a walk can’t be just anywhere to have this effect. Walking the city streets,
for example, just doesn’t seem to have the same effect. Perhaps it has to do
with the noise, or maybe it’s just the commotion of people rushing about trying
to “get things done”. Either way, I demand my meditative gardens to be slightly
removed from the most heavily trafficked paths so that I can (perhaps somewhat
selfishly) enjoy their tranquility. (For instance, the Rutgers Student Center
below might be a bit too active to get any good thinking done.)
Very much in that vein, I would like this little corner of the web to my own
personal meditative garden, wherein I can go for “walks in the park”. Here I can
share my thoughts on things which interest me: cooking, programming, math,
movies, and whatever else strikes my fancy in that particular moment. If you’re
interested, come along for a stroll.
Welcome to the park. I hope you enjoy your visit.