September 14, 2017

Mpix Photo Prints

3 minute read

As I recently discussed, I’ve recently acquired a camera for improving my family photography (and maybe also indulging in some hobbyist photography as well). My original motivation for purchasing that camera was not just to have better quality digital photos, but especially to have beautiful photos which I can frame or put into family albums. Now that I’ve been shooting for a little while, I decided to order some prints online. ...

August 13, 2017

Fuji X100T

13 minute read

On July 4th, I jetted over to B&H to pick up a new(ly used) camera. I walked out with a Fujifilm X100T mirrorless point-and-shoot camera. This is the story of how I chose that camera, and how I feel about it a few weeks later. It all begins… with me staying up until 4 o’clock in the morning one Saturday night. What had begun as an innocent review of my family photos perversely devolved into a compulsive episode of researching cameras with which to upgrade said family photos. ...

July 11, 2017

Using ACDsee for Photography

15 minute read

For the past few years, I’ve been interested in a more powerful digital photography workflow solution than the brutish practice of shuffling JPG files around on my hard drive and hoping for the best. I have really been seeking one (or more) specialized programs which can handle the common photography tasks of organizing photos from the moment they leave the camera to their final resting place on my hard drive (and/or backup server), and performing common photo editing upon them like curve adjustments and blemish removal. ...

June 28, 2017

Is Kotlin the new Java?

21 minute read

One of the programming languages I’ve (essentially) been ignoring for the past couple of years has been Kotlin, the “better Java” from Jetbrains, the author of IntelliJ and other IDE’s.1 Recently, Kotlin has come back into focus for me for the following reasons: Google finally announced official Android support for Kotlin Steve Yegge, that infamously opinionated programming language enthusiast, wrote a patently Yeggian post about how Kotlin scratches his itches without supporting academic or impractical features. ...

June 18, 2017

Clojure and the Esoteric Mysteries of Namespaces

15 minute read

If you’ve ever been programming in Clojure and encountered an error which looks something like, IllegalStateException("Can't change/establish root binding of: *ns* with set"), read on! Preface I recently had the drive/opportunity to deep-dive on how Clojure’s namespaces function and how they provide a simple abstraction using the concept of Clojure’s “Vars”. Here is a deep-dive on how they work. This is a two-part series. The previous part of the series is available at Clojure and the Esoteric Mysteries of Vars. ...

© Jeff Rabinowitz, 2023