December 23, 2017

Why Kotlin Over Lombok?

This is a continuation of the ideas from “Is Kotlin the New Java?”. What is Lombok? For those of you who are not familiar, Project Lombok is a build tool for the Java programming language, which adds nifty capabilities that many Java developers feel they sorely lack. Some of the more vanilla features include: “Getter” and “Setter” generators “ToString” and “EqualsAndHashCode” generators “Data” and “Value” class generators Automatic resource cleanup Not-Null assertions Builder class generators Constructor helpers of various sorts There’s also a few more exotic features (which I personally have not seen developers) use in the wild, but which no doubt someone is using, including suppressing checked exceptions, lazy fields, magic “val” keyword, delegation, “with"ers, util and helper classes. ...

June 28, 2017

Is Kotlin the new Java?

One of the programming languages I’ve (essentially) been ignoring for the past couple of years has been Kotlin, the “better Java” from Jetbrains, the author of IntelliJ and other IDE’s.1 Recently, Kotlin has come back into focus for me for the following reasons: Google finally announced official Android support for Kotlin Steve Yegge, that infamously opinionated programming language enthusiast, wrote a patently Yeggian post about how Kotlin scratches his itches without supporting academic or impractical features. ...

© Jeff Rabinowitz, 2023