February 9, 2014

Job Hunting On Campus

It’s February, and with the summer slowly approaching, many of my friends are beginning to look for work for after graduation (or just the summer if they’re continuing at University). I’m fortunate enough to already have had a job lined up for after graduation for a while, but this isn’t the norm. Most people are only beginning to look for jobs and internships now. Although I don’t claim to be an expert at searching for jobs (far from it), I have been out there since my freshman year, so I do have a couple of tips which will hopefully be helpful. ...

February 4, 2014

A Slight Change in Schedule…

Three months ago, I posted my tentative schedule for this semester, my final one in undergrad. At the time, I was very optimistic about taking Systems Programming because I had been recommended the professor, Brian Russell, by my roommate. In the end, I switched it out for a seminar in Gender and Sexuality in Judaism. Here’s how. Overlap Between Systems and Network Originally, I signed up for both Systems Programming and Network-centric Programming, both of which are low-level programming courses in the C programming language. ...

October 28, 2013

Classes for Final Semester

I recently finished signing up for (hopefully) my final semester of (undergraduate) classes at University. I don’t think the significance of this coming semester being my final one has quite sunk in yet. Maybe it’s simply due to me already being in the middle of the semester now, but I haven’t yet begun panicking or experiencing ‘senioritis’. I’m sure those will both come in due time, but in the meantime, I had to figure out which classes to take to round up my college education. ...

© Jeff Rabinowitz, 2023